Halloween Enforcement Efforts
HALLOWEEN ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 24, 2014 CONTACT: Sgt. Kim Herring, kherring@tompsc.com, 843-884-4176 HALLOWEEN PARTIERS BEWARE: MOUNT PLEASANT POLICE DEPARTMENT CRACKING DOWN ON DRUNK DRIVERS Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Mount Pleasant, SC— This Halloween, Mount Pleasant Police will be treating drunk drivers throughout the area with an aggressive Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement effort, and The Mount Pleasant Police Department has given a fair warning to all partygoers: keep the party off the road. “The scariest part of Halloween is not the spooky costumes and scary pranks, it’s the impaired drivers. All too often, partygoers don’t plan ahead and choose to drive impaired, but a costume can’t disguise drunk driving ,” said Sgt. Kim Herring. Accordin