Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Officer Saves 2 Year Old During Parade

A Mount Pleasant police officer is credited with saving the life of a choking toddler Sunday
evening during the Town’s annual Christmas Parade.
Pfc. Jonathan Rustin was patrolling the parade route on his bicycle when he was alerted to
the little girl choking on a piece of candy. Pfc. Rustin immediately rendered aid to the 2 year
old and was able to get the piece of hard candy dislodged from her airway.
“The mom told me her daughter was choking so I took her and was able to get the candy out
of her airway,” Pfc. Rustin said. “Once the candy came out the little girl started to cry which
meant she could breathe.”
The girl was checked by EMS and found to be in good health.

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Golf Cart Laws

To help keep everyone safe, the Mount Pleasant Police Department would like to remind everyone of the South Carolina laws governing golf...