Friday, June 22, 2018

Officer Awards

This morning we had several officers recognized for their hard work!
Sergeant Simmons was recognized for making the Dean's List while attending the three month long Southern Police Institute!
Officer Morgan (far right) was recognized with a Gold DUI Hero award for making 50 or more DUI arrests in 2017.
The following officers were recognized as a Bronze DUI Hero for having between 10-24 DUI arrests in 2017 (left to right):
Pfc Raley
Pfc. L. Lawson
Ofc. Walker
Pfc. Nogiewich
Det. Ballentine
Inspector Googe was given the Life Saving Award by Fire Chief Mixon for his actions to prevent a suicidal person from jumping off of the Ravenel Bridge.
Congratulations to everyone!

Featured Post

Golf Cart Laws

To help keep everyone safe, the Mount Pleasant Police Department would like to remind everyone of the South Carolina laws governing golf...