Wednesday, March 30, 2016

2016 Cooper River Bridge Run

4:30am  Race route closed - Chuck Dawley to Whilden St. on Coleman Blvd.
               Officers will divert northbound Coleman traffic down Whilden St.

5:00am  Shuttles begin running. Pickup locations for Mount Pleasant:
                Towne Centre
                Whitesides Elementary School
                1560 Mathis Ferry Road (Old Wando High)
                Shuttles will return participants to Mount Pleasant from the finish line.

 6:30am  Whilden to Houston Northcutt will be closed to vehicle traffic.
                 Houston Northcutt traffic will be diverted towards the Ravenel Bridge.
                 West Coleman traffic will be diverted onto Houston Northcutt.
                 Wheelchair athletes escorted to the start line.

7:00am  Closure of Ravenel Bridge (both directions)
                Hwy 17 from Houston Northcutt to the Ravenel Bridge closed in both directions.
                Race route in Mount Pleasant completely secured.
                Wheelchair athletes warming up on course.

7:25am   Wheelchair race starts.

8:00am   Cooper River Bridge Run begins.

10:30am  No other runners allowed on Ravenel Bridge. Straggler bus to begin.

11:00am  Approximate time for Ravenel Bridge/race route to re-open. All runners off the                           course.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

J.P. Strom Award

Mount Pleasant, SC – Mount Pleasant Police Officer wins J.P. Strom Award for highest overall academic average.
Officer Matos received the J.P. Strom Award during her academy class graduation on March 25, 2016. To obtain this prestigious award, Officer Matos had to pass all of her proficiencies while maintaining at least a 96% on all of her written unit tests.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Cloned Credit Card


The Mount Pleasant Police Department is seeking the public's help in identifying the man pictured above. He is suspected of using a cloned credit card in the Charleston area. If you have any information on this person please contact Det. Ivey at 843-856-3030 or You can also leave an anonymous tip through our smartphone app or through our blog. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Vehicle Theft Prevention

Do you leave your car unattended while it is running? Do you leave your key in the car while you "run a quick errand"? Look over this fact sheet about vehicle theft and learn how to help reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

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Golf Cart Laws

To help keep everyone safe, the Mount Pleasant Police Department would like to remind everyone of the South Carolina laws governing golf...