Thursday, August 12, 2021

Open Carry with Training Act

On Sunday August 15th the Open Carry with Training Act goes into effect. Here are some things we want the public to know:

-South Carolina joins 45 other states which allow open carry of a firearm.

-People with current concealed weapons permits will legally be able to open carry their firearms in public.

-Current restrictions on where the firearms can and cannot be carried will still apply including posted “NO CONCEALABLE FIREARMS” signs.

-If you wish to open carry, you must have a current concealed weapons permit and the firearm needs to be less than 12 inches in length along its greatest dimension.

-The same number of individuals who were able to legally carry a firearm concealed before August 15th will now be able to carry a firearm openly. These are the same firearms that were already legally being carried except now they will be visible.

The Mount Pleasant Police Department will continue to protect the safety of our community and the constitutional rights of all.

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