We have another variation on the scam theme! This time a victim was called and told that her Apple ID had been compromised. The telephone number that the scammer called from was spoofed to show a real number that is used by Apple Tech Support.
The victim was then sent an email with a link to click on. Once the victim clicked on this link, the scammer had complete access to their computer. The scammer told the victim that her bank and credit card accounts had also been compromised along with the victim's mother's account.
The victim was told that 72 hackers from Russia were compromising the accounts and the only way to secure the accounts was to pay in various gift cards. The scammer told the victim that after she gave the number for the gift cards, her accounts would be secured and any IPs that were tracking her would be blocked. She was also told that any money given would be refunded to her after the accounts were secured.
This was not the case and the victim is now out tens of thousands of dollars! Please share this message with family and friends! We do not want to see anyone else give money to these scammers! If you get a call like this and are unsure if it is legitimate, hang up and call us to check on it for you!
A red flag is always the payment with gift cards!